Check out our new price list! We have the lowest local prices per draw yet! Call us at 9418229402 or go to www.HomeBloodDraw.com and submit a request for a blood draw now before the time you want is taken. On Location is proud to announce our new I.V. division. Along with the exceptional services we provide for location based blood draws, we now offer our patients the convenience of having their I.V.'s done at their location for an exceptional price! So forget going in to your doctors office or a crowded I.V. lounge for I.V. therapy and give us a call to get it done at your convenience! Subscription pricing is available! On Location Blood Draw now offers a discounted rate for subscriptions. If your doctor needs you to have your blood taken often throughout the year, our subscription service is right for you! Subscribe now to get THREE blood draws at your location per year at a discounted rate. Call for pricing. 941-822-9402.
If more than one person in the same location is having their blood drawn at the same time, we have a new discounted rate! Contact us now for pricing and details!